Fair Play: Debating the Future of Music Streaming Revenue Models

  • 23/05 17:30 - 18:30
  • Innovathens Groundfloor

Fair Play: Debating the Future of Music Streaming Revenue Models

Effective since April 2024, Spotify’s new royalty model requires tracks to accumulate at least 1,000 annual streams from a significant number of unique listeners to qualify for royalties. This panel will explore how the model aims to fairly distribute royalties and combat streaming fraud. We’ll also discuss the implications for emerging artists who may struggle to meet this threshold, potentially impacting their visibility and income. Attend this session to examine whether this model can truly balance fairness with profitability in the streaming industry and what it means for the future of new talents.

Moderator: Mandy Salem-Aubry (NL)

Mandy Salem-Aubry (NL)
Conference Programme Coordinator, AMW / Owner, Mandy Salem-Aubry Music Services
Jake Beaumont-Nesbitt (UK)
Innovation & Education, IMMF / Consulting Artist Manager
Ionut Polexe (RO)
General Manager, Roton
Mihai Costin (DE)
COO, Paradise Worldwide
Damiano Picci (LU)
Strategy & Innovation, Beast Records & Velvet Flare