Workshop: Fans Beyond The Borders: Promote Your Music Internationally (EN)

  • 23/06 15:00 - 16:30
  • Innovathens 1st Floor

Workshop: Fans Beyond The Borders: Promote Your Music Internationally (EN)

With all the available channels to reach new fans at their disposal, artists face fewer roadblocks in building an international following than ever before. Even though the Internet doesn’t have borders, what does it practically take to win an audience outside of your home country? On this actionable workshop, you will see how indie bands, artists and managers from across the globe do that through social media and smart marketing tactics, while on limited budgets. Learn the mindset and the methods of creating a strong multi-cultural brand and reaching fans internationally.

This workshop is fully booked.

A. Apanov (PL)
CEO - Dotted Music marketing agency