Christine Charitonos (UK)

Christine Charitonos (UK)

Founder & MD, What Does Not

Christine Charitonos is a human connection specialist, creative director, and founder of the London-based culture and experience agency, What Does Not (WDN). With over two decades of experience in the hospitality and creative industries, she gained a reputation as a professional Swiss army knife, lateral thinking consultant, and fixer due to the depth and breadth of her specialisms, which include: culture change, operations, creative direction, events and community building. Christine and her all-female team create experiences that help humans be seen, heard and understood through the power of stories, music, and more. They disrupt the status quo of division and disconnection, creating inclusive and diverse environments for the grassroots, everyday humans and emerging creatives. 

WDN works exclusively with handpicked emerging artists from various underground scenes across London, and are on a mission to expose them to new audiences using their unique social mixology approach. Since 2022, the team have given a stage to over 200 musicians, and have brought their cultural programming to prestigious London spaces like Soho House, The Ministry, The Outernet and Shoreditch Arts Club.





Day 03 - 24 May 2024
15:00 - 15:15
What Does Not..Fit In, Stands Out: Human Connection as a Catalyst for Community and Creativity

Day 04 - 25 May 2024
12:00 - 12:45
All Biased: What Is the Music Industry Doing to Reverse It