Giannis Panagiotopoulos (GR)

3iDAO - Tech Lead

Giannis is the founder of NFT Art Greece & 3iDAO, both with a common goal to onboard artists, creatives, brands & retail to web3 through education & culture. Previously employed in web2 custom solutions for the maritime industry, he brought over his experience & skills to web3, expanding to smart contracts, NFTs, DeFi applications and a diverse set of technology stacks; from traditional web tech to bleeding edge decentralized protocols.

Being active in the Ethereum & Avalanche communities for the past 6 years, he has developed unique insight in the blockchain-powered markets, and has set out to spread awareness on how to successfully integrate business and retail financial activity onchain.

Social Media Links

Telegram: @gfkacid

Twitter: @gfk_acid

Country: Greece