Natalie Tsirigoti (GR)

Natalie Tsirigoti (GR)

Events Marketing Communications Manager, SNFCC

Natalie Tsirigoti is currently working at Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre as an Events Marketing and Communications Manager. Before that she was Communications Consultant at 2023 Eleusis Cultural Capital of Greece and the last 20 years has worked in various positions within the music industry as a music journalist, publicist, marketing manager, artist manager, event promoter. She was the co-founder of DreamBox-Creative Communications agency and has worked either in-house or freelance as a communications specialist for record companies, music & film festivals and European music projects.



Country: Greece


Day 02 - 23 May 2024
12:45 - 13:45
Sustainable Social and Economic Growth: Music & Culture as a Catalyst for Fueling Development