Serafeim Giannakopoulos

Musician - Planet of Zeus

Lifelong minister of utopia, Session drummer, guitar and bass player, mediocre singer, one of the greatest dancers alive in all the Balkans put togethers, a true night knight. Born in Athens, in 1984, as George Orwell had predicted in his seminal book. Started talking really late, and since then been trying to cover the lost hours via never ending babbling. Mainly known for my association with acts such as Planet of Zeus, Night Knight, TFATFY, Dimitra Galani, Monika, Imam Baildi and many many more.  16 years of experience in the music field. Performed in every venue imaginable, ranging from shitholes, to boats, to arenas to national theaters. Owner of ihaveadrum records, a record label mainly focused in publishing my own music projects, ranging from heavy rock to jazz.

Country: Greece