Music NFTs: Creation & Monetization: A Workshop on Creating and Pitching Catchy NFTs in Music

  • 01/06 15:00 - 16:30
  • Innovathens 1st Floor

Music NFTs: Creation & Monetization: A Workshop on Creating and Pitching Catchy NFTs in Music

NFTs are digital assets that use blockchain technology to verify ownership and authenticity, and have recently gained popularity in the music industry as a way for artists to sell unique and limited-edition digital products.
The workshop will be designed to provide musicians and industry professionals with the knowledge and tools they need to monetize their music through NFTs, as well as insight on how to approach this new emerging channel. Attendees will leave with a clear understanding of how to leverage these new technologies to generate revenue and build their careers in the music industry.

Giannis Panagiotopoulos (GR)
3iDAO - Tech Lead